It Yourself
Wonky Bead Massager ! |
After a long day at the torch, who wouldn't
like to have a nice, sensual back massage ?
Now you can !! And it's so simple ! Even a Newbie could
do it !
Simply take a half dozen or
so of your bumpiest Wonky Beads, thread them on a clean mandrel,
(and we all have plenty of those on hand, don't we?) and grip
each end firmly.
Now you're ready to give your loved one a Wonky Bead Massage
Oooooooh, someone
get out the strawberry flavored Bead Release !!
It's Wonky Bead Massage time !!
your own Wonky Bead Massager ! |
model actually enjoyed the massage so much, she fell asleep !
okay, she does that alot....
more bumps, the better, where Wonky Bead Massage is concerned
Be careful
not to bend your mandrels; WonkyBeads are okay - Wonky Mandrels
are not. Besides, I don't have time to make a Wonky Mandrel Website
this month.
Addendum for the humor
This segment of the website is intended as SATIRE
and not to be taken seriously. Please do not attempt
to use beads in any of the manners suggested if common
sense dictates it could cause harm to people, animals
or property.
If you have no common sense to rely on, then just
don't do it. Simple as that.
This idea, however, is okay for you to try at home.
It actually feels good, and you probably can't hurt
yourself doing it. Skip the strawberry flavored bead
release, however. That part was a joke. Duh! |